April Showers Bring May… Showers?


Rainy Florida Day. May 1st, 2013  (Photo courtesy of: @brokerEXCLUSIVE on Instagram)

Rain, rain, go away. Haven’t you heard, now it’s May!
(Photo courtesy of: @brokerEXCLUSIVE on Instagram)


“April showers bring May flowers.”

You know the springtime saying, who doesn’t?

I thrive on irony-filled days, and today, this is my focal point. Although it’s been on and off downpour all day here in the usually bright and sunny Florida, you can’t help but still enjoy the view.

Although the literal meaning of the idiom is shot, it doesn’t affect the true essence of the phrase.  No matter what kind of April you’ve had, I wish nothing but success, prosperity and blessings to your May. In my case, that’d be kicking butt in southwest Florida real estate.

Don’t let the rain ruin your day as there’s always naps, classic Tom Cruise movies (Top Gun on repeat) and the excuse to lounge in your pj’s for the majority of the day.